How is BI changing supply chains?

Last Updated May 05, 2023

With better data reporting, Business Intelligence (BI) is said to make decisions faster and easier. Over half of the organizations are already convinced that BI is required to thrive in today's technological environment. According to Market Watch's most recent report, the BI market will experience a spectacular increase in revenue CAGR.

According to another study, rising investments in analytics, increased demand for dashboards, increased focus on digital transformation, and increased cloud adoption, IoT in supply chain and other industries have all contributed to the growth of Business Intelligence. It is expected to grow to 33.3 billion USD by 2025, creating new opportunities in every industry. we provide business intelligence. When it comes to adoption, The supply chain and logistics domain has played a significant role in embracing BI solutions in a specific sector. According to industry experts, in order to remain competitive in the supply chain management business, you must identify your organization's potential weaknesses and devise strategies to overcome them. Artificial intelligence and analytics, as well as business intelligence, help you identify potential risks in your business and take timely action.

Simply put, you can gain insights based on real-time actionable data, receive automated recommendations, and evaluate the manufacturing process using transactions. So, whether you're transferring inventory, arranging shipments, or releasing orders, BI will keep all of your data at your fingertips.

Table of content

Let us see How is BI changing supply chains :
1. Four supply chain sectors that use the BI model
2. What is Business Intelligence (BI) Embedded?
3. The primary advantages of BI solutions
4. How can Syoft use Business Intelligence to power your supply chain?


Now, let's talk about Why are supply chains and operations adopting Business Intelligence solutions in such large numbers?

The increased adoption is most likely due to the supply chain digital transformation, in which BI plays an important role across multiple industries.

Investigate our business intelligence services. The Role of Business Intelligence in the Supply Chain. The amount of data flowing within the supply chain sector is limitless. BI is essentially the process of converting this sea of data into knowledge for practical business applications. What types of data in the supply chain are driven by Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence heavily manages data such as repair costs, transportation costs, KPIs (key performance indicators) on carriers and suppliers, strategic planning, and trend analysis.

Furthermore, this data must be drilled down into the required levels. Dashboards and scoreboards, for example, provide a detailed breakdown of a company's performance (daily, weekly, and monthly) to help you keep track of progress. This demonstrates the importance of Business Intelligence in the supply chain cycle.

Four supply chain sectors that use the BI model

When it comes to the impact of BI on the supply chain process, there are four major supply chain sectors that are heavily influenced by the Business Intelligence model. Let us take a quick look at them.

Product distribution business intelligence

The most important role of BI is to ensure that the product reaches its customer in a timely manner. Business intelligence software aids in the tracking of fleeting services that accompany area deliveries. BI is not only an expert in product tracking; it also monitors external factors like fuel costs, delivery estimation costs, and other business expenses. In other words, you get every little detail to capture in order to maximize profits.

Demand forecasting using business intelligence

Demand planning is another aspect of supply chain management that heavily relies on Business Intelligence. Demand management is essential because it tells you how much production is required for your company to profit. Business intelligence solutions aid in forecasting demand. The tools estimate the time and resources required to meet customer demands by combining the sales pipeline and historical figures with market segments.

Consider this: if a company under or overproduces, it directly affects its profit margins; thus, demand planning is essential. IoT machinery business intelligence. The smart industry trend has resulted in massive supply chain adaptation. IoT in manufacturing is a concept in which various machines and devices are linked to the Internet of Things and operate in a data-driven cycle. IoT data provides information on machine uptime, ensuring that the product remains consistent. In turn, BI uses this data to generate monthly reports outlining areas for improvement.

Furthermore, these interconnected devices can notify businesses when they need routine maintenance. This helps to reduce outages and keep costs under control.

Inventory management using business intelligence

You can easily optimize volume numbers for higher profits using BI tools that access inventory data. The majority of BI inventory solutions track sales, purchase numbers, and supplier information. You can make use of everything.

IoT machinery business intelligence

The smart industry trend has resulted in massive supply chain adaptation. IoT in manufacturing is a concept in which various machines and devices are linked to the Internet of Things and operate in a data-driven cycle. IoT data provides information on machine uptime, ensuring that the product remains consistent. In turn, BI uses this data to generate monthly reports outlining areas for improvement.

Furthermore, these interconnected devices can notify businesses when they need routine maintenance. This helps to reduce outages and keep costs under control. Similarly, many of these factors feed into the supply chain BI model, where any data can be transformed into insights. However, the Business Intelligence model's usability and applicability do not stop there. Wait until you hear about embedded business intelligence.

What is Business Intelligence (BI) Embedded?

The integration of Business Intelligence solutions within business portals or applications is referred to as embedded BI. Assume you have a mobile app that needs Business Intelligence solutions and features to track your supply chain business. All you need is embedded BI, which adds BI features to your application such as reports, interactive dashboards, data analysis, predictive analytics, and so on. This differs from traditional BI in that it incorporates all BI capabilities into your business application. Some of the main reasons why supply chain business exists It represents revenue growth. It is used by more than 40% of the supply and manufacturing industries. It improves the user experience and increases customer satisfaction It improves the business application. It also aids in customer engagement (increases the time spent within the application)

Supply chain management with embedded business intelligence

When you are ready to integrate Business Intelligence solutions into your supply chain, you will be able to identify potential problems before they become a problem. Here's how to use embedded Business Intelligence in your daily product cycle. The following are some common supply chain cycles that your embedded BI application can easily track.

Track cash to cycle time- This is the time it takes between paying for materials and receiving payment for sales. Track the customer order cycle, which is the time between receiving an order and delivering it. Keep track of fill rates, which are the percentages of lines, orders, and units shipped on the first try.

Track days of supply- This is the amount of time you can work without having to restock or reorder.

Track outstanding payments- This is how you ensure that you collect payments from your customers on time.

Track turnover- This metric indicates how effectively you convert working capital invested in inventory into profits.

Monitor inventory velocity to learn about underperformers and best sellers.

Keep track of your gross ROI (Return on investment)—this is the total profit from your inventory investments.

Tracking inventory across multiple vendors is another challenge that supply chain enterprises and manufacturers face. Seeking out innovative BI supply chain solutions can be beneficial. Three aspects of Business Intelligence that every supply chain enterprise requires. Now that we've established that Business Intelligence is all about using data to improve strategies and decisions, here are three critical categories of BI that every supply chain enterprise must employ to drive productivity and efficiency.

Tools for reporting

Supply chain enterprises are increasingly relying on scorecards to assist managers and decision-makers in improving workflow. Predictive analysis and deep data insights aid in the generation of a detailed analysis of everyday events that can provide you with pain points. You can also use these flaws to alter supply chain strategies. One of the most important features of Business Intelligence is real-time actionable dashboard visibility. It provides a quick snapshot of what's going on in the supply.


Benchmarking gives any company an advantage in the supply chain competition. This includes comparing your supply chain operation to industry standards in order to improve performance. The BI-directed data benchmark is specifically designed to improve operations and identify opportunities for growth. The most important advantages of BI solutions in supply chain management

Here are some of the key features and benefits of Business Intelligence tools for enterprise data sharing across multiple functional units for consistent decision-making.

The primary advantages of BI solutions

1. The supply chain BI solutions aid in the drilling down of data layers into any format for analysis Charts, spreadsheets, and hyperlinks aid in monitoring the enterprise's daily workflow. 

2. In BI solutions, balanced scorecards can be used to aggregate databases for performance evaluation. This also aids in the creation of relevant data views, which help to clarify critical information.

3. BI also includes integrated reporting and dynamic query generation features that extract intermediate data and analyze all possible negative out.

4. Using additional BI features, businesses can establish a baseline against specific metrics to determine what they need to measure on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis.

5. BI also allows for customization, so your dashboard can display more contextual information to help you gain deeper insights.

How can Syoft use Business Intelligence to power your supply chain?

Integrating Business Intelligence is more than a necessary step if you want to strengthen your supply chain process. BI is a comprehensive approach to gathering, processing, and disseminating data in order to improve business performance and customer satisfaction. Connect with us for Business Intelligence solutions and let us help you grow your supply chain.

Syoft provides BI services and solutions that assist businesses in not only adapting to but also mastering new technological advancements. We are there for you from BI consulting to developing a full-fledged BI solution and maintaining it.

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